Contact center modernization

Customer analytics

Build sustainable customer relationships

Customer analytics

Build sustainable customer relationships

Harness your data to effectively attract and retain customers

Customer data does not always equal customer insights, no matter how much information a company might collect on its clients. Today, building successful relationships that increase customer lifetime value, boost retention, and decrease attrition rates requires advanced analytics capabilities.

EXL offers customer analytics, including customer sentiment analysis, modeling techniques, and deep domain expertise to help clients improve customer engagement and differentiate themselves from the competition through enhanced customer experience. Whether delivered as a service, or through our Customer 360 Insights platform, we enable insights across the customer lifecycle, including: customer care history, digital activity, content consumption, product interactions, life-style and payment behavior, social engagement and marketing engagement.

Leverage powerful customer insights to secure your future

EXL recently commissioned Forrester to carry out a custom study looking at the current and future state of customer analytics in the US and UK geographies across the following industries: Technology, Financial Services, Retail, Healthcare, Professional Sports and Media. Forrester Consulting supplemented this research with custom survey questions asked of 170 data and analytics strategy decision-makers.

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EXL™ Customer 360 Insights

EXL™ Customer 360 Insights is a Cloud-based platform that leverages deep data assets, AI, and analytic accelerators to deliver real-time customer intelligence, frictionless customer experience and tangible business outcomes.

Customer 360 Insights can be quickly and easily deployed within your existing cloud environment.

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Client testimonials

Leveraging the power of data to engage customers
Featured insights
Businesses are scrambling to transform in the wake of a rapidly shifting environment. As a result, many leaders struggle to deliver rich, fast, scalable customer insights across the organization at the moment they are needed.
Remember when macroeconomic trends used to develop gradually over the course of years? When sales cycles evolved predictably over weeks and months? When customer experience was built over the course of dozens of face-to-face encounters? Today, these can all shift wildly in fractions of a second.